The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology – Part 1 Here for Part 2Original in The Art of Anthropology, A. Gell, E. Hirsch ed., Routledge, London, 1999 Alfred Gell (1945-1997) was a peculiar thinker, one who contributed toward the development of the recursive, or ontological, turn in anthropology. Gell’s anthropology of art refuses from the outset to be an aesthetic theory, while attempting rather to […] Variations Featured
Mimicry and Legendary Psychasthenia Original: Roger Caillois, «Mimétisme et psychasthénie légendaire », Minotaure, no. 7, 1935 Roger Caillois is a peculiar figure of the 20th century intellectual scene. Surpassed in fame by his friend and colleague Georges Bataille, with whom he founded the Collège de sociologie in Paris in 1937 and with whom he shared the experience of Acèphale, […] Translations Featured