The Hyperobject that therefore We are in (II) The irremediable ontological caesura that materializes between the thing and the way it appears to other things makes all relations move on one, the same, side of the crack, leaving the outside lying on the opposite one. Contributes
Towards a Post-Work Society The politics of time offers a response to the crisis of work, inviting us to talk about the conditions for freedom and the kind of society we want to live in. Featured Contributes
The Hyperobject that therefore We are in (I) Attraction and repulsion coexist, on the one hand as terror for the unknown, on the other as a desire to unveil: a (ir)reality that emerges intermittently, at the interstices of the real, pushing us to question it. Contributes
Exiting the Vampire Castle We need to learn, or re-learn, how to build comradeship and solidarity instead of doing capital’s work for it by condemning and abusing each other. Featured Contributes